

I am very happy to welcome you to my first and only FREE webinar. 

For 2 hours, on the 16th of June at 6pm GMT, I will take some time to answer your questions.

The primary objective of this webinar is to connect with you personally and address any inquiries you may have regarding my:

  • Professional background
  • Philosophical approach
  • Client/Artist relationship
  • Management strategies
  • Technical aspects
  • Or any other topics that would come up. 

This webinar will be a great opportunity for us to engage directly and share insights in a collaborative environment that would benefit all of us, even those who only decide to listen and not engage with me directly on ZOOM.

My purpose is to participate in elevating the level of tattooing globally, and to bring more awareness to this beautiful field. To do so, I really believe that, as artists, one of our tools is to share more information with each other.

This webinar is reserved for tattoo artists or aspiring tattoo artists only and will have a limited number of participants. Sign up by filling up the form below. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with further instructions on how to join the webinar.

Thank you for your interest.

I look forward to sharing my passion for tattooing with you. 

Best regards,
